Things we have had to swallowThere are these things that we have had to swallow. To choke down like bitter medicine. Telling ourselves that the travesty was singular…Jul 20, 2021Jul 20, 2021
My collaboration with steelWhen I worked with clay, I had complete influence on the material. I could push it with my hands and smooth it with my fingers. When I…Mar 23, 2021Mar 23, 2021
Wild OatsIn the steep meadow trees cast long shadows across the path in the early morning light. Far off, below an abundance of blue sky, three…Mar 23, 2021Mar 23, 2021
ResetIf you look at a map of North America. I live about halfway between the Canadian and Mexican border. There is a small bump on the edge of…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
I will missI will miss this place like I will miss you. The smell of rain on the wet leaves. The pufts of dust that fly up as each drop lands. You in…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
The Steel YardA steel yard is not really a yard. New steel is stored indoors. Outside, a large opening to the building seems to repel the warmth and…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
“Are We Outside?” Our relationship to everything else.I live in rural Humboldt county. My house is on a dirt road and when you go outside you are standing on dirt, or rocks, or grass and…Sep 15, 2020Sep 15, 2020
Published inBusiness Daily: Startups, Business Development, ManagementWhy I Am A BlacksmithA carpenter friend of mine once told me that no matter how hopeless things looked he could always feel positive because he had a skill. He…Nov 15, 2015Nov 15, 2015
Published inBusiness Daily: Startups, Business Development, ManagementMoving MetalHow is the welding going?Jun 15, 2015Jun 15, 2015